Saturday, February 4, 2012
Complete Lack of Faith
Fourth (fifth?) character. Low SL PvP build (<20). Faith based.
Powered through the Undead Asylum. Slaughtered the Asylum Demon. Slaughtered the Taurus Demon. Farmed souls, bought miracles, prepared as I could.
First foe - A Soul Level 15 Darkwraith in full Darkwraith Armor wielding a Demon Spear.
Fuck it, back to my warrior. ._.
Nachos, Bitches!

Well it's been a hell of a few weeks... I had an entire mental plan for this post, but fuck knows what happened to that. So... COMPROMISE!
Nachos, Jobless, Satanic Bible hunt, Brennivin, Dark Souls, Absinthe, Battlestar Galactica (Hey, it's raining! What the fuck Summer?), Rift, Not Rift, Satay, A Perfect Circle, PARKOUR!, Baphomet, and.. that's about it. Yep.
You can put together the rest yourselves, I have coffee to drink!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
In The Deep End
So, turns out I actually fell asleep before I had a chance to post last night. Yesterday was one hell of a day for sure.
I've been introduced to a new sport the guys call 'Van Warfare'... If anything can be said about it, it definitely makes mornings more interesting. Hah.
Off on my own today, invading people's homes for life-saving glasses of water... Fuck summer, seriously.
Now let us see what the day has in store...
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Morning Fresh
Blogger app for Android you say?
Matt says Aye!
Well here I sit on a miserable morning bus, off to my new job. 3 hours of shit all, then 6 hours of wandering around in 30 degree heat knocking on people's doors? Sure why not. Perhaps I can make a game of it.
Still I keep seeing people on motorcycles out if the corner of my eye... Lucky bastards. I shall be among you soon enough!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
A New Beginning
That never had much hope to begin with, but hey, here we are again. If a little later than otherwise expected.
So, things have finally started looking up again, and it's about bloody time! Supposedly starting my first day of full-time work tomorrow (which leads me to wonder why I'm not sleeping at this moment), so good-bye lazy lifestyle. Up every morning at 7', and back home 12 hours later. Oh the joy.
But, every day brings me one step closer to getting my little CBR. And on that note, I should probably mention that I obtained my R-Date license (motorcycle learners permit) the past week. Woo!
Lets' see, what else has changed lately...
Oh! I'm single again. Not quite sure what to do with myself now, so come at me world. Had my Septum pierced a few days ago... decided to grow my hair out again... made an attempt at becoming a DJ... and plenty more boring shit that you most likely don't give a flying fuck about.
To the point (of lack of), I'll be putting money towards a DSLR of my own soon enough, then perhaps I can start populating this little blog of mine with something possibly interesting to you boring masses. Got ideas? Well fuck you, fancy pants. Shit is going to start getting interesting around here, whether you like it or not. ;)
And with this I end my final day of freedom, and make my way into the terrible world of full-time work and paid human interaction. Though I guess they're one and the same in this case.
This post brought to you by Matt, of ASAP.
Coming soon, to a doorstep near you.