
Sunday, April 18, 2010


Well hello there.
Welcome to Fragments of Obscurity, my brand spankin' new blog (though I figured you'd know as much if you've made it this far) about... well... yeah, I haven't got that far yet. But we shall see. ;)
As you can probably see (if you can't, I do believe I need to crack you over the head with a hard object) the site is still under... construction? But give me some time, and I'll have it looking as sexy as all hell (flames, torture and all) before you have time to blink. Or not. That's pretty much impossible considering you've probably blinked about 5 times or more since I've started typing this sentence. (I counted, 6 times for me!)

But anyway, stick around, and I guarantee mental instability and corruption, or your money back!
I suggest you give me money so I can uphold this promise. >_>
Or I'll be forced to let loose the coffee-starved maniac otherwise known as.. well.. me.
Adios for now. o/